Welcome to the Higher Administration blog of Mr McGowan.

It is the intention of this blog to be an additional and flexible resource allowing pupils to have more say in how, what and when they learn.

Higher Admin is challenging. But by using technology we can make it more accessible.

Do you wish a practice Nab for ITFM Outcome 3?

Thursday, 24 January 2008


These two functions are used to reference one table with another.

For example in one sheet called DATA we have:

1 Grade A B
2 Commission 5% 7%

This would need an HLOOKUP because the info is Horizontal.

On the other sheet called SALES we have:

1 Grade Surname Firstname
2 A McGowan M
3 A Alexander R
4 B Shute G

The formula =HLOOKUP(A2, Data!$A$1:$C$2,2)

This would return the value of 5%.

Looking at the above formula in detail:

=HLOOKUP means that is the function you need
A2 is the cell which is the reference in the sheet you are going to enter the new data
Data! is the name of the other sheet
$A$1:$C$2 is the range of the table (in this case a Horizontal table)
,2 means we want the values in the second row to be returned.

The same is true for VLOOKUP. The only difference is the table is arranged in Vertical format.

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